

             Programs Using All Concepts of C++

1.Simple Programs Using C++

(1) simple program print hello word

(2) c++ program check size of data type

(3) C++ program check volume of sphere

(4) c++ program check volume of cube

(5) C++ program check volume of the cylinder

(6) C++ program check area and perimeter of the rectangle

(7) C++ program check the area of the triangle

(8) C++ program convert temperature fahrenheit to celsius

(9) C++ program calculate third side of a triangle

(10) C++ program check the reminder and quotient

(11) C++ program swap two numbers

(12) C++ program for making shape

2.Conditional Statements in C++

(1) program check weather number is positive or negative

(2) program number in assending order

(3) program using switch case statement

(4) program calculate sum

(5) simple program check two numbers are equal or not

(6) C++ program check number is even or odd

(7) c++ program check number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not

(8) c++ program check maximum number

(9) check you entered a char or not

(10) C++ program check you are eligible for vote casting or not

(11) C++ program check height of a person

(12) C++ program calculate the percentage and check the division of student

(13) c++ program check you enter char, num, or special char

(14) C++ program check the grade and give the statement

(15) C++ program enter a number and check the day of a weak

(16) C++ program enter a char and check gender

(17) c++ program enter a char and check char is vowal or consonant

(18) C++ program for salary

(19) simple program using if else

3.Loops in C++

(1) program making shape using for loop

(2) program print 10 number using for loop

(3) program sum the 10 numbers using for loop

(4) program calculate the average using for loop

(5) PROGRAM to calculate the cube of any number using for loop

(6) program for writing table using for loop

(7) program find the sum of natural odd numbers

(8) Program make shape using for loop

(9) program for making shape using for loop

(10) program calculate the sum of the all even number

(11) program find factorial of the number using for loop

(12) program making shape using for loop

(13) program for making a series and sum of series

(14) program for make a series and sum of series

(15) simple program for make a series

(16) simple program calculate the sum using for loop

(17) program enter term and check the square number

(18) program make a series and calculate the sum

(19) program check the number is perfect or not

(20) program make the diamond shape

4.Arrays in C++

(1) program enter element in array and print on the screen using array

(2) program enter the element in array and check the negative number using array

(3) program enter the element in array and sum of all element using array

(4) program enter the element in array and check the minimum and maximum number using array

(5) program enter the element in array and check the first and second largest number in array

(6) program enter element in array and check even and odd number using array

(7) PROGRAM ENTER element in both arrays and print on screen

5.Functions in C++

(1) program using functions

(2) simple program using function

(3) program making simple calculator using function

(4) program calculate factorial using function

(5) program calculate the area and circumference of circle using function

(6) simple program using function

(7) simple program using function

(8) simple program using function

(9) program enter a number and check the square using function

(10) program swap two numbers using function

(11) inline function

6.Pointer in C++

(1) program print the address and value using pointer

(2) program that print the value and address of different data type using pointer

(3) program that calculate the sum using pointer

(4) program use the pointer in a function

(5) Program check the maximum and minimum number using pointers

(6) program use the pointer in array

7.Classes and Object in C++

(1) introduction of classes and objects

(2) Defining member function outside the class

(3) simple program using class and object

(4) simple program using class and object

(5) simple program using class and object

(6) static data member

(7) static member function

(8) Passing object as the function arguments

(9) simple program using classes and object

(10) simple program using classes and object

(11) simple program using classes and object

(12) simple program using classes and object

(13) simple program using classes and objects

(14) simple program using classes and object

(15) simple program using classes and object

(16) simple program using classes and objects

8.Constructor in C++

(1) Default constructor

(2) parameterized constructor

(3) copy constructor

(4) constructor in derived classes

(5) initilization list in constructor

(6) simple program using constructors

(7) simple program using constructors

(8) simple program using constructors

9.Inheritance in C++

(1) program using single inheritance

(2) program using Multilevel inheritance

(3) program using Multiple inheritance

(4) program using Hierarchical inheritance

(5) program using hybrid inheritance

(6) Ambiguity in multiple inheritance

(7) simple program using inheritance

(8) simple program using inheritance

(9) simple program using multilevel inheritance

(10) simple program using multiple inheritance

(11) simple program using inheritance

10.Polymorphyism in C++

(1) polymorphism in c++

(2) function overloading

(3) function overriding

(4) intro to operator overloading

(5) unary operator overloading

(6) binary operator overloading

(7) simple program using operator overloading

(8) simple program using operator overloading

(9) simple program using operator overloading

(10) simple program using operator overloading

(11) simple program using operator overloading

(12) virtual function in c++

(13) simple program using function overriding and virtual function

(14) Abstract classes and pure virtual functions

(15) simple program using abstract classes and pure virtual function

(16) simple program using abstract classes and pure virtual function

(17) simple program using pure virtual function in classes

11.Templates in C++

(1) simple program without using class templates

(2) program using class templates

(3) Program without using function templates

(4) program using function templates

(5) simple program using templates

(6) simple program using templates

(7) simple program using templates

(8) simple program using template

(9) simple program using template

(10) simple program using template

(11) simple program using function template

12.Exception Handling in C++

(1) simple program without using exception handling

(2) program using exception handling

(3) program using multiple catch exception

(4) program using Rethrowing exception

(5) simple program using Exception handling

13.File Handling in C++

(1) simple program using file handling

(2) simple program using file handling

(3) simple program using file handling

(4) simple program using ofstream in file handling

(5) simple program using ifstream in file handling

14.Destructor in C++

(1) simple program using Destructor

15.Header Files in C++

(1) Header files in c++

16.Structure in C++

(1) program using structure

17. Friend classes in C++

(1) Friend classes in c++

(2) simple program using friend classes

18. Friend Function in C++

(1) Friend function in c++

(2) simple program using friend function

(3) simple program using friend function

Projects Using C++

(1) Abasyn hostal project using c++

(2) simple ATM project using c++

(3) casino game project using c++

(4) simple parking project using c++

(5) Food order project using c++

(6) Quiz Game project using c++

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