Monday, April 5, 2021

Destructor (OOP) (19)



//destructor name same as the class name. destructor have no return type. destructor cannot take an 

//arrguments. we use this sign ~ with the destructor. we are no calling the constructor in the main because 

//when we make the object bof the class in the main the destructor call automatically.we can use only one 

//destructor in  one class.destructor can never be static. destructor can not be overloaded. basically 

//destructor destruct the object.


using namespace std;

class test


static int count; //here we declear the static data member.


test() //here we defind the constructor 



cout<<count<<" "<<"object is created:"<<endl;


~ test() //here we defind the destrtuctor. and this is the method of defining the destructor.


cout<<count<<" "<<"object is destroyed:"<<endl;




int test :: count; //when we declear the static data member we must should be define outside the class.

int main()


test t1;

test t2;


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