Saturday, April 10, 2021

simple program using multilevel inheritance (OOP) (62)


using namespace std;

class Asset   //here i make 1st class name Asset


protected: //here i declare data members

int id;

string type;

public: //here i declare mamber function

void getdataA(int,string);

void setdataA();


void Asset::getdataA(int x,string y) //here i define our member function outside the class





void Asset::setdataA() //here i define our member function outside the class


cout<<"your id is:"<<id<<endl;

cout<<"your account type:"<<type<<endl;


class BankAccount: public Asset //here i make 2ed class name BankAccount and inherit with class Asset 


protected: //here i declare data members

string bank_name;

float balance;

public: //here i declare mamber function

void getdataBA(string,float);

void setdataBA();


void BankAccount::getdataBA(string x,float y) //here i define our member function outside the class





void BankAccount::setdataBA() //here i define our member function outside the class


cout<<"your bank name is:"<<bank_name<<endl;

cout<<"your balance in your account is:"<<balance<<endl;


class Security: public Asset //here i make 3ed class name Security and inherit with class Asset


private: //here i declare data members

string trade_exchange_name;

public: //here i declare mamber function

void getdataSY(string);

void setdataSY();


void Security::getdataSY(string x) //here i define our member function outside the class




void Security::setdataSY() //here i define our member function outside the class


cout<<"your trade exchange name is:"<<trade_exchange_name<<endl;


class RealAsset: public Asset //here i make 4th class name RealAsset and inherit with class Asset


private: //here i declare data members

float build_up_Asset;

public: //here i declare mamber function

void getdataRA(float);

void setdataRA();


void RealAsset::getdataRA(float x) //here i define our member function outside the class




void RealAsset::setdataRA() //here i define our member function outside the class


cout<<"your build_up_Assets are:"<<build_up_Asset<<endl;


class SavingAccount:public BankAccount //here i make 5th class name SavingAccount and inherit with class BankAccount


private: //here i declare data members

float interest_rate;

public: //here i declare mamber function

void getdataSA(float);

void setdataSA();


void SavingAccount::getdataSA(float x) //here i define our member function outside the class




void SavingAccount::setdataSA() //here i define our member function outside the class


cout<<"your interest rate is:"<<interest_rate<<endl;


class CheckingAccount:public BankAccount  //here i make 5th class name CheckingAccount and inherit with class BankAccount


private: //here i declare data members

float over_draft_limit;

public: //here i declare mamber function

void getdataCA(float);

void setdataCA();


void CheckingAccount::getdataCA(float x) //here i define our member function outside the class




void CheckingAccount::setdataCA() //here i define our member function outside the class


cout<<"your over_draft_limit is:"<<over_draft_limit<<endl;


int main()


Security obj1; // here i make the object of child class

RealAsset obj2;  // here i make the object of child class

SavingAccount obj3;  // here i make the object of child class

CheckingAccount obj4;  // here i make the object of child class

int a;

string b;

cout<<"please enter your id here:";


cout<<"please enter your type here:";


obj1.getdataA(a,b); //here i call member function of class Asset

string s;

cout<<"please enter your trade exchange name here:";


obj1.getdataSY(s); //here i call member function of class security

float f;

cout<<"please enter your build up Assets:";


obj2.getdataRA(f); //here i call member function of class realasset

string c;

float d;

cout<<"please enter your bank name here:";


cout<<"please enter your balance here:";


obj3.getdataBA(c,d); //here i call member function of class BankAccount

float i;

cout<<"please enter your interest rate here:";


obj3.getdataSA(i); //here i call member function of class Saving account

float o;

cout<<"please enter your over draft limit:";



cout<<"-----------------Full information----------------------"<<endl;

obj4.getdataCA(o); //here i call member function of class checking account

obj1.setdataA(); //here i call member function of class Asset

obj3.setdataBA(); //here i call member function of class BankAccount

obj3.setdataSA();//here i call member function of class Saving account

obj2.setdataRA(); //here i call member function of class realAsset

obj1.setdataSY(); //here i call member function of class security

obj4.setdataCA(); //here i call member function of class checking account




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