Sunday, January 16, 2022

Write a program that ask students to enter the marks of quiz of ten students 2.If the average of marks is less than 50% then system should instruct to students to have an extra class.



.stack 4096

Exitprocess proto,dwExitcode:dword


str1 byte "Enter total Average of ten students Here :",0

str2 byte "we advice you to take extra classes",0

str3 byte "you have no need of extra classes",0

marks dword ?


main proc

mov edx,offset str1

call WriteString

call ReadInt 

mov marks,eax

cmp eax,50

jae pass

jb fail

jmp next


mov edx,offset str3

call WriteString

jmp next


mov edx,offset str2

call WriteString


invoke Exitprocess,0

main endp

end main 

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